Friday, June 4, 2010

We're not in Kansas anymore

The ride today began with climbing and ended with climbing. And we even had some climbing in between. In the morning there were rolling hills which made it difficult to keep a constant pace and in the afternoon hills that were like stair steps and steep. I had no idea that Missouri was so hilly!!!

This was definitely one of the more difficult rides we've had since we started riding on May 9th. I was up out of my saddle to get up the hills in the afternoon and for the first time in the trip wishing I had just one more lower "granny" gear.

Today was also the first really hot day we have experienced. There was also some humidity. When I got in at 1:30 it was 91 degrees, not sure what the humidity was, but I know I was soaked.

Along the ride today I saw a funny sign and then a very inspirational sign. The funny one was at the entrance to a ranch and read "El Rancho Bankruptus". The plaque I saw was located in Lock Springs, MO. and to me optimizes why I wanted to
take this journey.

I had a dream to cycle across the country and as of yesterday have completed half of my dream. At the end of the 86 mile ride today, I've ridden 1,870 miles, cross over seven state lines and every day am amazed at what I've been able to accomplish, especially when I have a day like today!
I'm happy to provide the "Snake Report" today especially since there were none! Zip, zero. It makes me wonder if the snakes have been warned I'm coming so stay off the roads!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. In case I forget to tell you, its been a blast riding with you!
